Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's been a busy summer at Chapters!  In the past two weeks, we've hosted four events--and that's not counting this coming Friday's appearance by Tacky the Penguin at the Seward County Fair or the August 16 event in David City with Shon Hopwood.

After a fun storytime with Nancy Carlson (see previous entries about Nancy's visit), we sold books at a Ted Kooser workshop and had the pleasure of meeting aspiring writers from Nebraska, Kansas City, and even Wisconsin at that event.  

The following day, we hosted Lincoln resident and newly- published mystery writer Joy Castro at the store.  Joy's first mystery-thriller, Hell or High Water, is set in New Orleans and features a spunky, realistically-flawed main character named Nola who is a reporter researching a story on sexual predators who disappeared in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  It's a compelling story that will keep you hoping Nola doesn't get herself into any dangers she can't get  out of.  Joy made everyone thoroughly comfortable as we spent the afternoon with her.  I'm hoping for future opportunities to get to know her better.  Wesleyan President Fred Ohles, who worked with Joy in Indiana, attended the event, and it was nice to see him, too.

We still have a couple of autographed copies of Hell or High Water at Chapters, so stop in soon before they're all gone.

Then, on July 31, the Where's Waldo in Seward Grand Celebration and Prize Drawing brought excitement and fun to Chapters.  Waldo himself made an appearance to help a group of kids find him in his books, enjoy red and white cookies and kabobs in his honor, play "Pin the Glasses on Waldo"--a poster of him, of course--and make binoculars to help them see him more clearly.  To cap the month-long promotion, Waldo drew the names of 28 lucky winners, including Grand Prize winner Hannah Kolterman, who won $100 in Seward Bucks in our drawing.  See all the winners' names at the Where's Waldo in Seward website.  And thank Cameron Pfeiffer and Kyle Rojewski if you can find them for playing Waldo throughout Seward in July.  See more photos of Waldo on Chapters' facebook page.