Ever heard of a Kobo e-reader?
I hadn't either, until the American Booksellers Association announced an agreement with Kobo to make it possible for small, independent bookstores such as Chapters to begin selling their devices in our stores. Kobo is used extensively in Europe and is very similar to that other device that shall remain nameless that only allows you to purchase your e-books from one source.
We'll offer two Kobo e-readers, the Kobo mini, which retails for $79.99, and the Kobo glo, which retails for $129.99. We'll also have cases and accessories for your Kobo. Stop by the store and test our demo model. With the glo, you'll have a lighted touch screen, a variety of text sizes and fonts to choose from, and even sudoku and chess games and a web browser. You can use the Kobo if you have a wireless network, or connect to a computer and download your books that way. Cheryl and I have been playing with it. Even Cheryl, who isn't a fan of technology, admitted that she could get used to it.
With Kobo and Chapters, you'll have access to nearly 3 million eBooks, including 1 million free titles. At Kobo, you can read your eBooks on any open device, such as your phone, laptop, or ipad, by downloading the free Kobo app.
If you're considering purchasing an e-reader for yourself or as a gift this Christmas, please stop by Chapters and see if the Kobo meets your needs. You'd be keeping your money local AND getting a good product.
To browse the Kobo store and set up an account--you can buy your eBooks from Chapters to read on your laptop or phone, even if you don't buy the reader itself--click on the link here.
Chapters' Kobo Store