Our next "Second Saturday Signing" is coming June 14. June's event at Chapters will feature area authors of nonfiction books, including biographies, historical fiction based in family history, and books about trains. Authors who will be speaking about and signing their books that day are Barb Mohrman, Jim Riesdorf, Faith Colburn, Jean Lukesh, Mary Ann Carson, and Lisa Kovanda and Brian Thomas. Read through the biographies below, and you'll start to see a theme or two emerge!
Mary Ann Carson is new to Chapters and our events. Her books are Down the Tracks of Time and Tales of Tails. A resident of Grand Island, Mary Ann has compiled her mother's memories of being stationed in North Platte as a telegrapher on the Union Pacific Railroad during World War II in Down the Tracks of Time. As a member of the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, Mary Ann compiled and edited Tales of Tails, a collection of stories from veterinarians and their families across Nebraska. Proceeds from the book support a veterinary student scholarship fund.
Faith Colburn, author of From Picas to Bytes and Threshold, is a sixth generation Nebraskan. Her books chronicle the history of the newspapers published by four generations of the Seacrest family in Nebraska and of eight generations of her family as they lived and worked, mostly on the Great Plains. Faith also writes poetry and short fiction, as well as essays for NebraskaLand magazine. Read her blog at http://faithanncolburn.com/.
Lisa Kovanda, with Brian Thomas, has written Modified Flight Plan, the story of Brian's road to recovery and regaining his life after a life-threatening illness leaves him a triple amputee. Lisa is active in the Nebraska Writers' Guild and in other Nebraska writers' groups. She is a script writer and novelist. Brian worked for Duncan Aviation in Lincoln before his illness and now is back at work and lives in Lincoln. Lisa can be found online at http://lisakovanda.com/.
Jean Lukesh owns Field Mouse Productions and is a contributing columnist for Nebraska Life Magazine. She is the author of several biographies of notable Americans, many of them Nebraskans, including Ben Kuroki and Evelyn Sharp.

Jean Lukesh owns Field Mouse Productions and is a contributing columnist for Nebraska Life Magazine. She is the author of several biographies of notable Americans, many of them Nebraskans, including Ben Kuroki and Evelyn Sharp.
Her books have won eleven national/international book awards. Her newest book Eagle
of Delight has won four Gold medal national/international book awards and is a
finalist in two Book of the Year Awards. She lives in Grand Island.

Barb is a former teacher and is a speaker with Humanities Nebraska. She participated in our April Second Saturday event, highlighting her young adult book, The Dust Covered Days of Dorie Archer. To learn more about her, visit her blog at http://barbaraeymannmohrman.blogspot.com/.
Jim Reisdorff has been a contributor to Chapters' local authors' events since we opened. He is a native of David City, where he established the South Platte Press in 1982 as an outlet for publishing Great Plains railroad history. His wife Sharon is a co-publisher. Jim has also co-written several railroad books for the press. Read more about him and his work at http://www.southplattepress.com/index.html.