Chapters will celebrate by hosting more than fifteen area authors for a signing event. The morning will feature authors of children's and young adult books from 11:00 a.m.-noon. The afternoon session from 1:00-2:00 p.m. will feature authors of books for adults.
Confirmed authors for the morning include: Charlotte Endorf, Rebecca Gomez, Nichole Hansen, Nona Morrison, N. L. Sharp, R. K. Vetter, and Karla Wendelin.
Confirmed authors for the afternoon include: Bobbi and Rod Adams, Lucy Adkins, Michael Curd, Brian Hale, Bonnie Lacy, Mark Langan, Bud Phelps, James Reisdorff, and William Spradley.
I'm posting brief biographies of each of the authors below. For more information, visit their individual blogs or websites or stop by the store and see the books in real life!
Bobbi and Rod Adams live in Lincoln, Nebraska, where Bobbi teaches kindergarten and Rod is a computer programmer and a photographer. Their book My World Volume 1 is intended to be an invitation to spark memories and conversations when a loved one has dementia or Alzheimer’s. My World Volume 1 can be a vehicle to past memories and bring pure joy, without any expectation to remember. They will be signing at Chapters from 1-2:00 p.m.
Lucy Adkins (with Becky Breed) is the author of Writing in Community, a guide for writers' groups. Her poetry has been published in various anthologies, journals, and magazines. Her chapbook, One Life Shining: Addie Finch, Farmwife, was published in 2007 by Pudding House Press. She also co-writes a blog of encouragement and inspiration for writers which can be found at www.writeincommunity.com. Lucy has conducted workshops and has worked with writing groups for many years. She grew up in rural Nebraska and now lives and writes in Lincoln. She will be signing from 1-2:00 p.m.
Michael Curd, formerly a pastor in Milford, returns to Chapters to sign his book Through the Valley, a fictionalized account of a hospital chaplain in a major trauma center. Mike is a great supporter of Chapters and our events, and we're looking forward to his return visit from 1-2:00 p.m.
Charlotte Endorf, a lifelong Nebraskan, specializes in speaking to elementary schools, women's groups, museums, town festivals, senior centers, and libraries, bringing the characters in her books to life through her presentations. Charlotte and her daughter Sarah have published ten books. She has also developed three documentaries and a CD with an Orphan Train rider. She will be signing her new book Always on Target: Adventurous Annie Oakley from 11 a.m.-noon.
Rebecca Gomez, an Omaha resident, is co-author of What About Moose? and the forthcoming Hensel and Gretel: Ninja Chicks with Corey Rosen Schwartz. She celebrated Read Across America Day in Seward by reading to kindergarteners and first graders at Seward Elementary School, and she returns to town from 11 a.m.-noon to sign books at Chapters.
Brian Hale, a Colorado native, was injured in a chain saw accident as a youth. After hearing for years how lucky he was to survive the accident, he wrote Are You Lucky? in an attempt to understand and clarify what luck is and how it works in our lives. He'll return to Chapters from 1-2:00 p.m.
Nichole Hansen and her husband Tevin own Handersen Publishing, an independent publisher of books for children and young adults, and edit the YA literary magazine Stinkwaves. Together and independently, they write for children, blog, and raise their kids in Lincoln. Nichole will be at Chapters to sign from 11 a.m.-noon.
Bonnie Lacy of Osceola, Nebraska, is the author of six novels, a nonfiction book, devotionals, several children's books, and many short stories. She blogs about writing and life at www.bonnielacy.com. She will sign her recently published novel Released at Chapters from 1-2:00 p.m.
Mark Langan, a retired Omaha police officer from the burglary, vice and narcotics units, drew on his work experience to write Busting Bad Guys, true crime stories from the seamier side of Omaha. He'll be sharing stories and signing his book from 1-2:00 p.m.
Nona Morrison, debut author of The Ghost Juggler for young readers, will be visiting Chapters from 11 a.m.-noon.
R. G. Bud Phelps, a lifelong Nebraskan, lives in Lincoln. After a career in accounting and a stint in the Navy, he now concentrates on writing. His books include historical fiction based on his life's experiences and accounting books. You can meet him at Chapters from 1-2:00 p.m.
James Reisdorff of David City has been to Chapters to share the stories behind his railroad books many times over the years. He and his wife own South Platte Press and publish railroad-related titles, some of which he wrote. He will be signing from 1-2:00 p.m.
N. L. Sharp's first book, Today I'm Going Fishing with my Dad, was published in 1993 and was a Nebraska Golden Sower nominee. In 2003, Sharp created Prairieland Press to publish and market her books. She released Effie's Image in 2005, and it was also a Golden Sower Nominee. The Flower Girl/The Ring Bear: A Flip-Over Book was named a Nebraska Center for the Book award winner for Cover Illustration and Design. Sharp is also the coordinator for the Nebraska Novel Retreats, a series of retreats for middle grade and YA authors, held at the St. Benedict Center in Schuyler. Her first middle grade novel, Keeping Captain, was released in February. She will be at Chapters from 11 a.m.-noon.
William Spradley, though born and raised in Nebraska, has traveled throughout the world as an engineer with McDonnell Douglas. He now lives and writes in Missouri, and his latest work is a collection of short stories titled Cold Trail. Meet him at Chapters from 1-2:00 p.m.
Rosalie (R. K.) Vetter grew up on a farm in Iowa and began her education in a one-room school house. After serving 20 years in Nebraska elementary school classrooms, she lives in Lincoln with her helpful hardware-man husband. Currently, this storytime lady, better known to preschoolers as Library Kay, blogs at www.rkvetter.wordpress.com. She will make her debut appearance at Chapters from 11 a.m.-noon.
Karla Wendelin is a former elementary school teacher; university professor of reading, language arts, children's literature, and library media; and elementary school librarian. She served as a consultant for the PBS program "Reading Rainbow" and author of the teacher's guide and math guide for the series. Class Pictures is her first book for young people. You can meet her at Chapters from 11 a.m.-noon.

On another exciting note. . .
We will host a book release party for Ted Kooser's new picture book, The Bell in the Bridge on Saturday, May 7 at Chapters. Time TBD.