Meanwhile, instead of spending my days at the store reading as my kids accuse me of doing, I'm filling boxes with books for a bookfair at St. Vincent de Paul School. So far we have 21 boxes ready to go! That bookfair will be October 6-16 and coincides with the Seward County Bridges' Family Night event Oct. 16, featuring author Jim Aylesworth. It's exciting to have such a big name author in town!
Now that the boxes are mostly ready to go, I'm focusing on next week, which is Banned Books Week. Check out the list of the most frequently challenged books of 2011 and previous years here. http://www.ala.org/advocacy/banned/frequentlychallenged/21stcenturychallenged
We're celebrating our "freadom" to read in Seward by working with the Friends of the Seward Library to sponsor Seward's first ever "Reading Invasion." Pull up a blanket or lawn chair to read together for a half hour on October 3 from 5:00-5:30 on the Seward County Courthouse lawn. All you need is a book--a banned book, maybe--and a chair. We're hoping that we have enough readers to cover the courthouse lawn. Cheryl is closing Chapters at 5:00 so she can go.
October 4 is Jumpstart's annual "Read for the Record" day. Bring your favorite child(ren) to Chapters anytime from 9 am-5 pm October 4, and read together in our big comfy chair (courtesy of Davisson's Furniture) to be counted for the world record-breaking effort to get as many people as possible reading the same book on the same day all across the world. You'll receive a photo of yourselves reading, a FREE ladybug craft kit (courtesy of St. John CDC), and other fun items--and you'll be sharing the joy of reading with a child you love. To learn more about Jumpstart or to make a donation, click on this link. http://www.jstart.org/campaigns/read-record
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