Our own Ted Kooser will present a poetry reading at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church on Wednesday, September 25 at 7:30 p.m. Not much else needs to be said, other than that everyone is welcome; Ted speaks for himself around here!
September 26-28 is the annual Plum Creek Children's Literacy Festival at Concordia. Featured authors this year include some of my favorites: Illustrator Marla Frazee, whose water colors I adore; Neal Shusterman, author of The Schwa Was Here, one of the funniest and most clever YA books I've ever read; Anna Dewdney, author of the Llama Llama books; as well as the talented Kevin Henkes, Candace Fleming, Eric Rohmann, Barbara McClintock, Judy Schachner, and Marc Tyler Nobleman. We're in the process of ordering books by all of these talented authors and illustrators, which you can purchase at Chapters before the Festival to be autographed while the authors are in town.
Also September 28, join us at 11:00 a.m. for a College Planning Session hosted by Chapters and featuring Treze Florum of Education Quest. My goal for this session is for parents and high school seniors to attend together and actively engage in the process of searching for a college, completing online college applications, discovering scholarship opportunities, and generally getting started on the process of choosing and applying to a college. We'll have a few computers set up so participants can do searches from here in the store, but feel free to bring your tablets, phones, and laptops, too. Thanks to tech expert Dana Galusha, we now have wireless internet at Chapters, just in time for this event! We'll also have pizza because I know how happy the kids will be to be here, and that may make up for it just a bit.
We hope to see you at any or all of these upcoming events. Happy reading!
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