We had the pleasure to meet Maya Stein and Amy Tingle this weekend. They're riding a tandem bike
1,400 miles from
Boulder, Colorado, to Beloit, Wisconsin, building “Little Free Libraries” and
promoting poetry, community, a love of reading, and the spirit of collaboration
along the way. At their Seward stop, we hosted a bike rodeo, built a "Little Free Library" for the town of Staplehurst, and read and wrote poetry with Maya, Amy, and two Lincoln poets, Lucy Adkins and Marge Saiser.
Here's just one of the many poems Amy and Maya wrote at our event. They sat at their typewriters--manual ones, no less-and asked for a word from the audience. This is Maya's poem in response to the word
It's Saturday morning. I just had a glass
of lemoade. Right this minute we are in
Seward, Nebraska, and the sun is shining and
there are bicycles on the sidewalk and you,
you are sitting right in front of me blowing
up a blue balloon and everything is
feeling bright and possible and the whole world
is friendly and it would be alright
with me if time stood still so it could be
like this a little while longer. Just like this.
Maya Stein
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